All smiles.

Jun 15, 2009 20:05

My one week holiday has officially ended.
My mom and sibs are back.
Ofcos I'm happy, it was beginning to get boring at home.
But on the other hand, my mom has started nagging again. Tsk.

At least mom promised to give me some moolah.
Yay, my wallet won't feel so naked anymore.
She's making it up to me, since she couldn't get much stuff in aussie.
Its currently winter time, and shops close arnd 5pm. Go figure.

My brother on the other hand, happened to like or rather love aussie.
He did sheep shearing. How cool is that la.
He got another soccer ball, a new wallet, and tons of chocs. Yummy.
My sister too, had a whale of a time. She got to see her godsister for the first time.
Little Justine (the godsisters' name) is super duper cute I tell you.

I'll post their peek-tures soon.
Even though its winter time, the peek-tures sure as hell don't give the weather away.

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