Block the Bail Out! Sign a petition!

Sep 25, 2008 08:47

Here is a link to a senators petition wich not only aposes the Corporate Bail Out but also provides a list of requirements for fixing the problems that caused this mortgage chrisis.

Please read it over and sign it if you agree. We don't have much time to stop the Bail Out wich will bring our National Debt into the Trillions, increase your tax burden, and yet would not even protect us from seeing the same chrisis again. The Bail Out is no less than a massive theft. The lending agencies and banks who are asking for help got themselves into this mess through mismanagement, risky investments, and by conning people into bad loans and then forclosing their mortgages after they payed into the house for a number of years. Now they want YOUR TAX DOLLARS to save their business so that they can do it to you all over again.

What's worse is that the companies threaten not to cooperate if the Bill includes things that don't favor them. The CEO's want multimillion dollar severance fees and apose regulations that would prevent them from creating another housing bubble in the future, and they are practicaly holding Wallstreet hostage for leverage in negotiations.

These companies are geapordising our National Security, Our Economy, jobs, people's mortgages, all for their own gain. And they want YOU to reward them for it.


Please send this petition to everyone you know and post it anywhere you can, and start calling or e-mailing senators and congressmen. I recomend starting with the ones who represent your state, then the presidential candidates, and if you have time, contact ALL of them. We nead to raise our voices louder!

actavism, polatics, petition

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