SANTA CRUZ CITY SLAM WED. 7/20/05 at 8pm

Jul 18, 2005 15:58

dont forget to flyer! and updade the mailing list! heres the basic info if you need it:

Wednesday July 20, 2005 - 8:00 PM
Venue Name: The Attic
Address: 931 Pacific Ave.
City: Santa Cruz
State: CA
Zip Code: 95060
Cost: $6 ($5 w/student ID)
Costume theme: X-mass in July? dress for the crappy-awsome prizes!
Description: After much deliberation, procrastination, and false promisses of fornication the San Jose City Slam team (Kim J., Karren L., Chesco, and Anthony R. M.) will be featuring at the next Santa Cruz City Level Slam on July 20th at 8pm. Where you ask? Where but the oh so scenester ridden spot we love to call home The Attic on Pacific. Come see these awsome word slingers that are oh so close to all our hearts. they will make you laugh and cry...and maybe shiver a little. Check out there City slam info at for a taste of what other city slam organizations are like. SEE YOU THERE! -Natalie (1/2 of your oh so humble city slam master duo)
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