Part one:
- The country is too full of college degrees, and
- The country is placing too much pressure to attend college.
- The country is obsessed with pandering to the lowest common denominator of intelligence in an attempt to let "everyone win".
Hubby and I were talking about how ridiculous it was that one has to have a degree to do even a secretarial job recently, and got into a discussion how the overemphasis on credentialism has led to a glutted market, forcing people to attempt to attain higher and higher credentials to secure the jobs they desire. We both feel not only should we resume the dual-track education (college-bound vs. general education tracks) idea, and remove the pressure for people to automatically go to college after high school. If people realize that the world needs "ditch-diggers", too, then perhaps after a while the population would resume a more normal ratio of college degrees and force the job market more open as the number of college degrees is reduced. It would also permit people who are college-educated to use their knowledge, instead of having Physics or Psychology majors working fast-food and other manual labor jobs.
Part two:
- I cannot be a mindless corporate drone.
- I think too much and voice my opinions on stupidity in corporate life.
- Managerial ultimatums don't work on me, because I know they don't want to risk hiring a new person who won't show up and/or won't work well on the clock.
- My managers keep control by threatening with ultimatums and overreactions first.
- My co-workers seem to not understand my sarcastic humor (save for a few cool folks I like).
This came from the second part of my day, but mostly from one root area. My manager ("E") called me and said that I might have to be written up for voicing my opinion on the rather stupid sales tactic my job is using. Basically we have to suggest upgrading to a small shake instead of a medium soft drink. If an employee gets caught NOT doing it, the manager on duty gets fired and the store manager (E) gets written up. It only takes one employee to have this happen, by the way.
So I get told about this tactic last night by a new manager ("A") who has just transferred into the store from another one nearby that got shut down. So I ask if A's kidding/over-exaggerating. When told she wasn't, I basically described the entire situation as idiotic and over-reactive. However, I DID state--quite clearly--that I would do it, despite my opinions on the entire situation. Somehow that part got lost, and A said to E that I had said no to a direct order. That caused E to call me all pissed off and say that if I didn't want to do my job, she could find someone else to do it. I had to explain I was joking with A, and that I honestly did do it (save for one customer who stated initially and quite clearly that they wanted soft-drinks), despite my attitudes. But the stupidest part is that E started with firing/replacement threat, then backed off to write-up, and by the end of the conversation had settled on what amounts to "don't do it again".
Part three:
- I feel highly restless lately, religiously and in terms of school/education.
- I want to get done with my basic-level classes so I can move onto more interesting things
- I hate how huge projects always pile on top of one another in totally separate classes
- Blah. Just blah.
That last bit is the little potpourri bits of emotion that have no other place above...well, mostly. But meh.
Thankfully the rest of the day has gone alright--although I am REALLY ready for Spring Break at this point. If I can make it that far, it'll be better--my Sociology course will be done by then, so I'll have more time to spare for everything else. Which will be nice, considering I have some good-size papers to deal with...