Dec 08, 2008 10:22
Just got back from a nice half-hour walk around town. Visited the local rec center--not a bad set-up for a small town! I think I might pay 25 bucks for a month to get me started--if I can make it a month I'm more likely to keep going.
There's a lady there to assist you, which is good, since I'm typically clueless on gym equipment :P And I think I'll feel more at ease with a woman, and especially one who doesn't seem the shouting, degrading type XD
Had a small breakfast of cheerios and a banana--it was tasty! I'm pondering a small snack of a carrot or two--but first I'm going to do some push-ups, since I worked my legs already, I figure I need to work my upper-body now, too.
I'm tracking my progress on the MyPlate space, recommended by Uncle Kage, and I ordered the "Body for Life" book he also recommended. Anyone who's seen how skinny and well-fit that man is can understand why I think it'd help me, too. Another person recommended I look into doing some of the Army workout training--he said he lost a couple pounds in 2 weeks on that stuff, and it seems like I can work it with minimal outside purchase :D
I'll be honest, I can use all the encouragement, loving or firm, I can get. I'll start to fizzle out and i know it--so keep kicking me in the butt to keep going! I know it'll be worth it in the end, I just need to be able to keep at it :P