Dec 26, 2009 10:27
So, there are many cliches in movies and TV. Things that play out the way we expect them to. The people we see fall in love are exactly who we predict. They say just the right things. They say whats safe and use jokes we've heard 100 times before, sometimes from other movies or shows. When so many people write and act, I feel like this is something that can't be avoided, and I can even be tolerant to a point. So understand me when I say the following:
I want to kill all forms of life in my vicinity when I hear someone say "A storm is coming."
Nothing has ever brought my piss to a boil then that. It was cute the first time I saw it (which was in American Gods, by Neil Gaiman, but I doubt that's the first use of the term), but it has warn out its welcome. Every time a main character looks into the horizon to see black clouds forming, only to have the supporting character next to them say "A storm is coming" referring to both the literal storm and metaphorical one, causes me to cringe violently. That's not an exaggeration. I was watching the new Sherlock Holmes movie, they said that and I literally TWISTED in my seat.
I'm not sure why I hate this term so much. Probably because it reminds me of all those people who think they're so intellectual and smart and think that because they use metaphors they are poetic and deep. You know what? FUCK YOU! You aren't. Using a term that's been used in almost every show TO DATE does not make you intellectual. It makes you a hack. A disgusting hack too self-important to see the shit that spews from the very pores of your fingers which you used to type that crap you stupid unoriginal twits.
I know this isn't the only term or idea repeated in cinema and movies. The montage is a prime example of an evil that has plagued storytelling for eons. I even admit that when I tried writing my first movie, I succumbed and put in a montage to show the passage of time. I hated doing it, and I believe if I rewrote the same script, I would try and find a way around it. However, while there's no iron rule regarding how many montages you should use, if it's used minimally and effectively, then yes, it is a good tool to show the passage of time. I concede. But, there is no reason to repeat "A storm is coming." You might as well be saying "Some bad guy is gonna fuck you up if you don't watch your ass. And the weather is shitty"
I just hate it. It reminds me of everything I hate about cinema today. Playing it safe. Giving us what already exists. I think EVERY ONE of the trailers before Sherlock Holmes was a sequel (Iron Man 2) or a remake (Wolfman, or Clash of the Titans). I do understand that in order to get someone into a theater, you need to give mass appeal. And considering Nascar is the US's most popular sport, I see that most people are goddamn retarded (Why else would they watch hicks turn left all day). But if they're ALREADY IN THE THEATER, why do we keep phoning it in? Is work that hard? Why don't people care? Why does no one care about the quality of their work? Whats the point of making the big bucks if you don't earn it. WHY DO I HATE EVERYONE!? WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE I MISSED SOME BASIC LESSON IN GREED AND HUMANITY WHERE THIS KIND OF SHIT BUGS ME TO THE POINT THERE I HAVE TO WRITE A FUCKING LIVE JOURNAL ENTRY ABOUT IT!!?!?
I swear, if I ever use that term in any of my scripts, you have permission to beat me with a seal.
*sigh* I'm done. I'm OUT!