Sep 11, 2006 15:43

Name: Xanaria D. Q
Age: 17.5
DOB: March 1 89
Location: Alberta, Canada (aka Great White North)
Favorite Color: Purple, Pink, Red, Blue (but not bright blue..don't know why), green, brown, and black and white and all those wonderful shades, yellow makes me happy and orange makes me hyper 0_o
Favorite Bands : Blind Guardian, Opeth, The Misfits, Elton John, The Beatles, Queen, Rhapsody, Antique Cafe, Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, and too many to list
Favorite Movies:Donnie Darko, The ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW *dance dance*, Muppet Treasure Island, To Wong Foo, Connie and Carla, Beauty and the Beast, FIvel goes West, The Great Mouse detective, Aladin, Corpse Bride, Spirited Away, Howle's moving castle
Favorite Animal: Cat, Bird, Dog, Reptiles, Fish (gah! Love puffer fish ><) Kangaroos...just cause I like how the word sounds.

Do you write?: I'm writting right now..yes?
If the answer of the above question is yes... can we see a sample of your writings?:

The factory had just shut down and father was now out of work. It was going to be a long winter, and a very cold one at least. Mother was having trouble getting work, now that prostitution had been outlawed in our state, but not also to mention that she was 7 months pregnant and not very attractive. I needed new socks, and I only had one shoe, since my younger sister had to wear the other one. Buttons were now at a shortage, now that the button factory was no longer running, which was quiet obvious to my sister and I, since our father had once made buttons.
His job was to drill the third button on the left of the buttons that have four holes. I never really understood this process since buttons were round, atleast the majority of them were. It must have been hard for him to distinguish the left top corner of a button, since there was no indication to which side of the button was up down, left right, or inside out. It was just plainly...a button.
Those sweet, subtle buttons that my father worked upon. The job which created wealth for my father to feed us. Of course making buttons did not bring much money into the family, but since the old owner of the button factory, also owned a bean canning factory, my sister and I ate plentiful amounts of canned beans. Terriyaki, western, spicy, plain, sweet n' sour, bacon! O all the beans we had, all of those wonderful flavours that helped my sister and I grow!
Although we ate only beans and our father had once worked in a button factory, my sister and I were the best fed girls in our school. This we could tell, plainly because we spent our money on beans...not pretty ribbons, dresses, socks or shoes.

If not, why?:
If you could be anyone or anything who/what would you be and why?: I would be my printer, because it looks like it has a nose and its smilling, but it also eats paper and it looks like it enjoys it for the most part...until it regurgitates it back up with crap all written and printed over it.
If you had to detach a limb what would it be and why?: My ear, then I could tell people that it's the newest fad in body modification and its called the "Van Gogh"
Describe the process of banana peeling: FIRST off you take a deep breathe, and stretch your fingers ( so they dont' pull a muscle of course n.n) THEN you start at the top of the banana where you place your thumb and your forefinger on the part of the banana that was obviously part of the bunch and part of the branch that the bunch came from.(if you are still unclear about what part I'm talking about, it is long an turns from yellow to brown). After placing your fingers in the right position, carefully but quickly pull in whichever direction you feel will take the peel off best. I personally like to move the tip around a bit to see which way I should go. After you have pulled down and started to open your banana, carefully use the same two fingers to pull down the rest of the banana. Then it is up to you whether you want to put the peel in a high traffic area and watch to see if people slip like cartoons do, OR to put it in the trash/or recycling compost.
There! That is how I peel my banana. And just so you know, only 1/20 people actually trip while walking over a banana peel ><.
Compare a human being to a sheep, please explain answer fully: A human being is so much like a sheep, over the years people have started to think themselves smarter and far more superior to these mammals, saying that they are independent thinkers and that they do only what they want and not what the government, or "sheepdog/ herder" wants them to do. However, I find it funny to point out that most people from youth are trained much like a ewe to follow the orders of the sheepdog and it's owner. They react how the government tells them to, they change their path of thinking through the indoctrination of the media, they even flock like a heard of sheep to stores when new fads and styles come into the "scene". Humans are just like sheep, always following and listening to what the sheepdog and government or (even better yet) what the media tells them to do, listen to, act like, wear ect ect ect.
The ONLY difference between a sheep and a human, is that a sheep doesn't have a thumb, therefore they can't shave their hair bythemselves...well thats my opinion 0_o
Do you believe in the paranormal?: Of course 0_0 I can't fall asleep half the time because I'm afraid that the evil spirits will eat me 0_o...and I've seen a UFO I swear! Atleast twice!
Are you introverted or extroverted?: Depends how much sugar I'e had that day and who I'm with.
Is the Glass half full or half empty?: If you are drinking from the glass it's obviously half empty because you are "emptying" it by drinking. BUT if you are pouring water in (or juice/milk) then it is getting "fuller" so then it is half full. This can also be placed into life and people, it just depends on how a person lives their lives.
Do you know your iq? If so what is it?: err, don't know
If not, why don’t you care if your smarter than a carrot?: I like hanging out with the carrots...HEY! Don't make fun of my friends *cry*
Do you have any odd phobias?: Mascots
Explain your views on life: Life only applies to those that live it. When you sit twiddling your thumbs hoping that life is going to all of a sudden hit you in the face like a big red rubber ball (kinda like when you used to place dodge ball as a kid and you'd drift off) or like a duck to Fabio's face, well most people are wrong!. Life is outside of your sorry little hobbit hole, seriously, the Dwarfs are NOT going out to find you, that was only Bilbo because he was lucky. Don't ask me why, but he was.
Don't expect your life to flash infront of your eyes when you die, especially when you didn't have a life. Personally, go out there, live life, do all the things you want, don't regret a thing, and you won't fear the stare of death. Even if your last meal IS salmon and Death walks in on your dinner party, and the mousse wasn't that good, well, atleast you enjoyed the salmon mousse before you died right?
Personally, my view on life changes all the time, thats why I just spewed out all this....crap.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what’s the one thing would you have to have: A milk cow. Why? Because I could have a companion, I could get milk from the cow to drink, and then I could use the milk/cream to make cheese and well, I'd have a companion and a source of food. n.n
If you had 5 pins, some clay and a glass vial, what would you do with them?: Make a voodoo doll out of the clay, stick the pins into the doll, and stuff it into the vial and laugh maniacally *muahahahahahahah..ha..ha...ha*
Do you ever get mental pictures in your head and cant keep yourself from laughing?: Yes it happens all the time, when I'm sitting in class and then I think of something really funny or stupid or morbid and I get this picture in my head and I just sit there smilling trying to stop myself from laughing, but if someone looks at me I laugh..and then I stop and try not to die of laughter ><.
Do you care to tell us about one?: O I knew one well, back in the day we used to...we did nothing thats a lie, I never knew one. But I was good friends with 9 1/4.
Name some obsessions/interests: I have an obsession/interest with the following:
psyching people out
cute stuff
snail mail
dancing like no one is watching
the word "zabuffamathinga"
making up words
What do you consider normal?: When people don't outkast you because you're not normal..example "white bread people"
Do you consider yourself normal?: Hell no ><
Are you into body art?: Yuppers.
What do you like to do in your free time?: Live on lj, read, sleep, go for coffee and while in the coffee shop I like to make funny noises or do silly things with friends. I like to write, I like to talk with people, I like to knit and sew, I enjoy music. Baking cookies.
What are some things that you find funny?: Stupid things, my math teacher's spit bubble.

What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear...

Salmon: The salmon mousse *points finger*
Nugget: gold gold GOLD muahahahaha
Abominable: "so you're the abominable snowman?" "yes" "what does Abominable mean" "don't know" "Do you ever get lonely out here?" "sometimes..."
Duck: TAPE
Spedoinkle: Sprinkles
Seven up: yours
Trash: can
Tarter: whore
Loaf: meat loaf
kiddie: kiddie pool
Back flip: belly flop
Abufatma?: a big fat arabian guy?
King tut: treasure
Noodle: oodle
Red rice: sled mice
Shimmy-shoeshine:  SHIBBY!
Cottage: cheese
Brains: splatter

Why do you want to join our community?: It will allow me to paint a beautiful picture of my mind with my words..ok thats crap, I think it's hilarious, just like me. n.n (wait thats just me being full of myself) ERRRR! O I know, because I can now smell rhubarb cake cooking in the kitchen!
I'm odd..ok?
Is there anything you would like to add?: Ranch dressing, because either ranch dressing OR chocolate goes with EVERYTHING!
How did you hear about this community?: My uber friend promoted it and I thought "hell, if she can get in then I'm sure I can" n.n

Okies, well my computer doesn't handle html so well so I had to do everything by hand after I realized that it didn't do what the html told it to do 0_o

Fresh corned beef with shank!
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