I really like the layout of my journal, although I've got the greatest urge to SWafy it. But Christian is like my soul...characterized in a movie. Ewan does an absolutely spiffy job at playing him and ya'll need to see Moulin Rouge!
Someday, I'll fly away!
Leave all this to Yesterday!
And so, this is my daily update, or hourly update.
I follow the night!
Can't stand the light!
I need to stop listening to music AND typing. Lol.
I really like my car, is smexy, cept with people try to damage it.
Jeannie kinda scared me earlier being all, "Are you okay?" I was like, "Um..yeah" Which was nice. Then Roshi did it as I was like, "WTFmate?" Turns out McCombs prayed for me [yet again] and everyone's all..worried or nice I guess. But the truth is, I've been dealing with this for 9 years, hopefully I can handle it. Well, better then I used to be able to. I'm stronger then some people think, definately stronger then I think. Lol. Its just that my Mom's getting worse faster then we can get use to each step down or up the ladder...[depends on how you think of it..]. So we're all tense and BLAH. xD
The courtesan and sitar man, are pulled apart by an evil plan!
I need to get this CD away from myself and just turn the damn movie on. Lol
G'night all!
Never knew, I could feel like this. Like I've never seen the sky before. Want to vanish inside your kiss!
[This following picture, is just so sweet...and emo...and cute...and sad! Lol]