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- 16:05 When is #Apple going to ditch the exclusive arrangements with carriers for the #iPhone? I don't want to change to O2. #
- 17:23 Championship, Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winners. UNBELIEVABLE game. #
- 17:51 @ ScottBourne Hi Scott, think you wanted to leave the pdnonline off that link #photog #
- 17:17 RT RT @ricklafave: How did we get to the point where employees earn bonuses not based on performance but based on showing up? #AIG #
- 16:52 Are Bare Bones software seriously selling a weather plugin for $10 #apple #twit #
- 16:44 I don't think that push notification is a substitute for a true background process #apple #iPhone #
- 06:34 @ SteveJstone I'm a fanboy but totally agree with you. Getting tired of being told by #Apple what I want. #
- 06:16 According to the #AIG bonuses will be paid but amount deducted from next bailout money. Sounds like a fail to me #
- 15:47 "New bill would tax AIG bonuses at 100 percent" #AIG #
- 15:38 #apple #iPhone 3.0 Cut/Paste/MMS.... Soon to be "nearly" as good as a #blackberry #
- 15:32 RT @drtiki: Tiki Bar TV is an Audience Choice award finalist at the Streamys. Vote Everyday! (please retweet) #
- 10:04 @ LeoLaporte Happy Saint Patrick's Day Leo #
- 10:02 I really will laugh if iPhone 3.0 update doesn't have cut and paste #iPhone #apple #
- 09:52 RT @akulbe: @david_a_black You see that others are trying to get around the limits too?? It makes me SICK. #AIG #
- 09:19 Oh and another thing, IRS Audits for all #AIG Executives, their families, neighbors... (the really scrutinizing kind) #
- 09:11 If you can't legally stop #AIG paying the bonuses, then just bring in a 'special' tax at a rate of 110%. Let's see if that changes #AIG view #
- 08:33 @ stephenfry Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you too (Irish and certainly planning on getting drunk) #
- 06:38 Happy Saint Patrick's Day #
- 18:11 RT @scottbourne is giving away a brand new Drobo this month to one of his Twitter followers. for details #
- 12:28 RT @WilHarris: This AIG bonus thing is nuts. Why isn't Geithner kicking ass on this? Jeebs, the US practically owns AIG. #
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