Jul 17, 2009 23:58
my lip and face and everything is swollen and bruised and broken.
went flying over my handlebars today going downhill over the freeway
face first into the asphalt leading with my face (of course)
wind totally knocked out of me
feet still clipped in
(damned speed plates)
and I lay there thinking: well, great.
I give my homecoming talk in two days and I will be
looking like a domestic abuse victim.
at the instacare today that is how the girl looked at me
like: who got you?
it feels solid and ironic. it feels human and just... like
of course
but last night I hiked pipeline with Berrett
and i had forgotten just how beautiful our city is
forgot so much
that probably will never return
that probably shouldn't.
oh these things. these BOYS. these un-graduated
these un-lived, un-ruined (or already ruined)
these innocent boys.
more neosporin
more ice
put a steak on that sucker.