Summary: Talebones, 2009

Feb 15, 2010 19:52

Summary: Talebones, 2009

Another farewell, alas! Talebones published its last two issues in 2009, for a total of 39 in 14 years. There were 19 stories, all shorts (two short-shorts) for some 60,000 words of fiction. The editor was Patrick Swenson.

Stories I liked included Scott Edelmann's "The Only Wish Ever to Come True" (Summer), about a genie despairing at the way his granted wishes turn out; Carrie Vaughn's "The Book of Daniel" (Winter), a fine version of some of the Daniel stories (from the Bible, including a story found only in the Deuterocanonical bits included in the Catholic version) as told by the weres in her Kitty novels; and Don D'Ammassa's "Funeral Party" (Winter), nice SF about a religious cult hiring a tramp spaceship to dump their dead leader into their sun. Other good work came from John A. Pitts, Aliette de Bodard, Caroline Yoachim, Ari Goelman, Patricia Russo, and Marshall Payne.

I count 5 SF stories out of 19 total (26%), less than usual for a magazine that was often about half and half SF/Fantasy.  8 of the stories were by women (42%).

magazines, yearly summaries, 2009

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