Dec 13, 2005 13:19
Ut ohs! I'm gonna do it! Post a journal entry that is. I finally have something worth writing. Well, more like I actually remembered I had a lj account and figured no one would read it anyway. SURPRISE! Im actually posting something today, you are probably surprised, no? I’m so good at this surprise thing lately.
Let me just first start out by stating that the following is just a piece of my mind based solely on facts. Take it as you will but I don’t want you misconstruing the intended justification of my need for a raise with me being angry or something. Now that the disclosure is out of the way, I shall begin…
Now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside-down, so let me take a minute just sit right there…ahem, sorry.
No seriously, just when I thought things were finally panning out with work, more problems arise and nothing seems promising anymore. I absolutely hate it when vendors assure you they can meet your required ship dates then when it comes down to actually doing the job, they some how always manage to push these dates out even further. That is just bad business ethic! I mean really. Do you honestly think you are going to establish a relationship with your customer by doing such things? A customer for crying out loud! I was once told by an overpaid Microsoft consultant that the whole point of a business is to make money. The one and only objective is to make money, otherwise you might as well be in the peace core. That last part wasn’t his words per say, but you get the idea.
I drank way too much coffee this morning, I don’t think my eyes can be opened any more widely. Did I say that right, widely? Heh, say “widely” in your head a few times, it starts sounding silly. I’m feeling WIDELY! Eww, I take that last part back, it sounds bad.
Back to the point of my “intended justification,” which brings me to why do I even need to justify this matter?? Shouldn’t it be a given with the amount of ass-busting I do & put up with for such a miniscule amount of dinero? NO ONE, in my office, (yes, that is correct for those of you who might read this and feel otherwise) works as hard as I do for the least amount of money. Pathetic really. Am I supposed to be motivated to do my job, which I actually like despite my complaints of vendors and co-workers, or am I just supposed to be strung along like a dumbass?
On a side note though, do you know that when you are in Word and you type the word “dumbass” one of the words suggested is dubs?? Hehehe, sorry I thought it was funny, I DIDN'T SAY THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS CORRECT. Please let that be clear, I just thought it to be funny. I would most certainly think it would be even funnier if the word “Tony” came up but what can you do, it had to be said. Typed, rather.
Whatever, I will stop whining about what I deal with on a daily basis knowing that others who work with me make more money and do so much less.This is not about cyndi, mykie or marissa by the way. (I still think its true but im not saying this about those 3 specifically). That’s my problem and I will either do something about it or deal with it, damnit! Yeah! Im all kinds of “widely” up now.