
May 28, 2007 11:18

I'm way too far behind to ever catch up.  Lots of LJ to read and e-mails to answer.  Looks like there won't be a break for a while.  I really haven't abandoned you all.

It's been raining buckets every day for at least a month now.  It's a jungle out there.  In between storms we managed to get a new front fence/gate built, which makes me happy.  Floods came just as they finished mine.   The rest of the fence gets rebuilt next year.  YAY.  Then I won't be able to see through the old worn out boards that allow me to see my neighbor walk around his kitchen in his underwear.  It's hard to help when your TV chair faces that way.  : P

Surgery iminent.  I just want it to be over and move on.  Looking at August.  I have to get used to the idea of letting go of control for 8 weeks.   I wish my dogs could nuke a TV dinner for me and feed themselves.  Living alone is great until something like this comes up, but the longer I wait the more complicated it will get.

Wish I could go to Chicago and see the exhibit.  Cool that a forensic guy from Ft. Worth helped put a lot of it together.  Apparently it was supposed to be at Ft. Worth but scheduling conflicts moved it to Chicago (where it belongs).  Nice to hear Billy buzzing around hometown.  He seems to be everywhere right now.  Counting minutes till Cubs game Wed.   EEE.  DC 08.

Today we have Sopranos, L&O: CI and CSI:LV marathons going on at the same time.  I CAN'T CHOOSE!  I just watch till I hit a rerun then switch to another one.  I'm in sensory overload.

exhibit, surgery, marathons, catch up, fence

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