Pandora hate mail

May 08, 2008 08:48

so there I was.... minding my own business... listening to my Goldfrapp station on Pandora.... when all of a sudden.......

(I sent them this screenshot, btw)


What exactly is the problem?  I'm not sure what you are pointing out

--  Johnny
Pandora Listener Support


Hi Johnny,

Thanks for responding...though I was just being facetious! I wasn't expecting Britney to show up on that "station" - she seemed more than a little out of place.  I don't think Britney's music is able to span genres by such leaps and bounds. ;) Pandora's sole rationale for this connection can only be "Umm... both vocalists are females?". I'm not in any way upset - my taste in music is not that refined. It certainly kept me on my toes for the rest of the day in case Celine Dion wanted to sneak her way into my Hooverphonic station.

Again, thanks for your reply and keep up the good work!


Oh I see!  Yes, part of our mission statement is that we do not cast judgment.  Britney Spears has just as much chance for playing as any indie submission with a similar style.  We definitely didn't mean to offend!

"didn't mean to offend"?! Pandora raped my ear. I was thinking about filing a police report.
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