and i can't hide that i relied on you, like yellow does on blue

Aug 26, 2004 22:21

i remember freshman year thinking i would feel so much older as a junior, or at least a little more mature.
well, there goes that. hah.

my classes aren't so bad, and i feel special cuz madame v asked me to do design for festival, and Mrs. Tumpak asked me to do independent study for jounralism, so i feel quite loved. i'm definitely doing independent study for journalism, but i dunno about the design for festival, since i'm so so at that kinda stuff. but maybe if i get some others together...i dunno i'll hafta see. but already the first day of school felt so incredibly long, and all the classes were only half the time...bah. schoolcandieihateit. but i must say, the assembly was pretty damn rad. kristin and her little speech about "catching the spirit of friendship" made me laugh ever so much, and i quite enjoyed the beach ball schpeal. she is so creative it makes me smile. oh man, at lunch people were already talking about PROM. i was like hey i'm just hoping to LIVE until then, thanks very much. i won brownie points with mr. telesca in a.p u.s because i gave him this long comparative document on the declaration of independance, and he was all into it and wants to keep it and make copies and all this good stuff. its good stuff.

i feel like this year is gonna be awkward. i don't know why, maybe it's cuz i feel like my various groups of freidns evolved and changed so much. no that that is a bad thing, i guess i just feel like i'm not sure where i fit into that picture anymore...

fuck this, school is supposed to start in september, it's just an unwritten law. august is still summer, of course leave it up to the crazy catholic loserville to make us all start early.

tomorrow i find out if i made field hockey...i don't think i will, but i reallly really really want to. anyways, wish me luck. afterwards kristin is journeying back to the farwawy land that is the palisades avec moi, and we shall have a splendid time, doing our thing and playing twister. mmmmhmmm.
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