Would the real Uncle Inappropriate please stand up?

May 14, 2005 19:44

Alias cracks me up. No, seriously, it does, because Arvin Clone is effing scary. Anyway, I don't have much to say on the episode -- I wasn't crazy about all the emotional pleading and begging between Nadia and Sloane, scenes like that have to be short and sweet or they lose all their impact and start going in circles. Understatement is key when you've got all these tough spies running around weeping over each other.

As for the OC, do I really watch for anything other than Julie Cooper anymore? No, no I don't. I'm glad Caleb is dead, because honestly he is sooooo boring. Sadly enough, the only other person I really liked this week was Marissa. It's interesting to me that someone who is so self-absorbed, me-me-me, all the time, is keeping her troubles private. It just shows you how badly broken she actually is. I really almost cried last week during her scenes with Ryan, and this week I felt for her too. It's a horrible, horrible thing to happen and it's great that she's not dealing with it by drinking, although she doesn't look like she's dealing with it at all. OH MY GOD DID I JUST SPEND FIVE SENTENCES SAYING GOOD THINGS ABOUT MARISSA? What is the world coming to that she's my favorite character after Julie?

Name 10 fictional women in fandom that you admire, adore, or just plain love...

1) Elizabeth Corday, ER. My biggest fandom love ever (even above all the hot male woobies, including Robert Downey Jr.'s character on Ally McBeal, who was on my laptop background throughout eighth and ninth grade, aaaand, moving on). Because she's a tough cookie, because she's smart as hell, because she knows how to have fun and it's not in a trashy or sad way but in an I'm-sexy-and-I-enjoy-it kind of way. And after the Mark fiasco ruined her character in some ways, I loved the wreckage. If I have to get old, I want to get old like Elizabeth.

2) Cristina Yang, Grey's Anatomy. Another doctor, another woman sort of along the lines of Elizabeth, but rougher around the edges and less obviously sexual -- although it looks from episode 5 like obviousness isn't everything. :) She's also hilarious, which is a plus, and can admit when she's wrong.

3) Angela Perry, Odyssey 5. Kind of a female woobie, because she seems all tough and smart at first but when it comes to Kurt and that lost baby, she gets vulnerable. Once in a long long while. She fit a classic male archetype, even to the point of having daddy issues as if she really were her father's son, but she wasn't just a man without a penis, and had a nice friendship with Sarah Forbes that didn't (usually) revolve around girltalk.

4) Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars. yahtzee63, who I took this meme from, wrote much more intelligently about Veronica, but I'll say I love her cause she's a badass.

5) Sydney Bristow, Alias. She's a little bit weepier than I usually like them, but hey, she's been through a lot. I like her because ... ehhh, I don't know, maybe it's because JJ wants me to and I'm his bitch, but maybe because after all the darkness she faces in her job (I'm paraphrasing Vaughn here, I think, sadly enough), she never did let it into her soul. Although the times when she's come close have been the most interesting.

6) Anna, The O.C.. I think my love for her is actually part of the reason the luster wore off Summer-lovin' TWoP for me. She was completely good at heart, she at least made an effort to be different, and let's face it, I wanted her to win Seth because I haven't forgotten high school. :)

7) Abby Lockhart, ER. I went through a hating-Abby phase with the rest of them, but going back I don't even hate season 9 Abby all that much. I think she's one of the most complex characters ever written. I think she'll never forget what Luka told her the night they broke up -- NTPNTS is how I believe the TWoPpers abbreviated, amusingly, the "not that pretty not that special" comment -- because deep down she believes it. I think she's never going to get over that lost child because she lost a part of herself with it. I think she's had to go through as much as Sydney and Veronica, and it did make her bitter but she's coming out the other side and finally becoming the person she's wanted to be.

8) Grace Polonsky, Joan of Arcadia. Oh, Grace. She's wonderful for so many reasons, not least of which is that she's butch and unapologetically so, but also because she's got a great mixture of precocious things (the social consciousness, the independence, the fact that she deals with things without complaining, the kick-ass poetry) and still-a-kid foibles (her fears of friendship/intimacy, her cluelessness about her own feelings for Luke).

9) Felicity Porter, Felicity. I don't know how to justify putting her on this list, because she was wishy-washy with her love triangle, a huge dork, and often kind of stupid. But I identify very strongly with her. It's really been an interesting year for me (my first at college) because, like Felicity, I appeared mature and responsible in high school because I didn't take risks, so when I got here, I did stupid things and had to catch up on all the growing-up I avoided in high school. It's made me relate to a lot of the mistakes Felicity made.

10) Clarice Starling, Silence of the Lambs. There's no need to explain what's great about Clarice, I hope. Plus, I like her for basically the same reason I like half the other women on this list, and I'm tired of trying to disguise the fact that I'm saying the same thing over and over. :) She's tough, smart, a woman in a man's world, just like Elizabeth and Christina and Angela and Sydney.

Not on this list, but maybe should've been: Irina Derevko and Julie Cooper, who would be #2 and #3 if they weren't both evil and therefore I don't technically "admire" them; Faith from Buffy, who would definitely be on the list if I could stand her show for long enough to watch an episode rather than just a plethora of music videos; Chloe from Smallville, ditto; Kerry Weaver, who I almost put but then changed for Felicity; and Janis from Mean Girls, who I guess I didn't put because Mean Girls isn't really an active fandom. "Your mother's chest hair." Hee.

I'm working on my vid critique and will be posting it, hopefully, later tonight.

the oc, alias

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