Welll.... if you want to know.....ebricknellJuly 1 2008, 20:03:52 UTC
Have you ever been to the beach and seen a dog drink the water? That's the same thing that happens when you drink the salt water. It's like peeing out your bum. Sorry if that was TMI but all it does is gets everything out. The cleanse can last anywhere from 10 -40 days. There are some benchmarks that let you know when your body is clean. Afterwards the author recommends you stay on a raw food/ vegetarian diet but really nutritionally you can do whatever you like. It's really just a cleanse to clean out your digestive system and there are three days of transition coming off the cleanse so that you don't hurt yourself. Some people needs to stay on it longer but i'm looking to do 8-10 days. It's been easy so far so I may not need to do it as long. There are stages of intense yuck where all your toxins come out and you may get headaches or sore throat or body aches. Once those are done with you can transition back to sold food. I may need to do it longer until I get to that stage. Who knows? There are a lot of blogs on the subject and most people say they feel great after. I had two coworkers do it last year and they lost weight and it was easier for them to eat healthier afterwards. They said it was like starting from scratch. We'll see!
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