
It amused me

Jul 24, 2006 20:28

Was opening the post today at work and found a signed contract with a letter attached to it. What amused me was that in the letter the individual was complaining that we used too much paper to draw up her contract, wasted money by printing out booklets on what I "think" she meant by the pension scheme and that we shouldn't be able to afford to pay 96p in postage to send out the contract/pension information, etc.

So, you don't want your contract do ya.

I could see that she wanted to find something to complain about concerning HR, but she just wound up blowing hot air though her arse (as many people tend to do).

Speaking of hot air, was stuck at Victoria Station today due to underground problems. One of the "passengers" was having a go at one of the guards because he thought it was quite obvious that it was the Guard's fault that part of the line was suspended. Um, right. Everyone told the passenger that he acted like a wanker. This also amused me greatly.

There was also an incident at the bank today which amused me. I will not discuss it in detail-as it really isn't pc (even though being pc is against my religion). In short,it concerned an individual who did not understand the fact she had to bring picture ID to change her personal details.

Happy Birthday Hildekitten!
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