Oct 02, 2007 15:52
Dear Radiohead
I love you.
Please accept this payment (5 GBP) for your album, In Rainbows.
It comes out in 8 days, and I can spend whatever I want to get it.
The price is up to me.
It's like fucking Christmas.
In 8 days I'll be in a Radiohead coma.
Plus, that 10 bucks directly from me is more money for them, than buying a 10 dollar Radiohead CD at Best Buy would be.
Oh! And I'm thinking of posting some very interesting tales that have happened to me thus far at school this year. They're pretty fucking weird; I've found myself in some crazy fuckin' situations.
Anyone wanna hear em?
If not, I'll just start a blogger and hope people StumbleUpon to me.