Dec 13, 2018 11:36

Always at top.

If you have any concerns or comments on the way I roleplay comment here. This is for constructive criticism only. No "omg u suxxor gtfo". Anon is enabled, don't abuse that.

This is for San (this journal), Fire Lord Ozai fierysire, Mitsurugi bringanarmy, Ashitaka stopslezfights, and Ty Lee hotpinkaura.

If you want to contact me, my journal is savingdaisydiva. My AIM is LunarGoodness even if I rarely get on due to internet troubles. My e-mail is shiskababy@gmail.com. You can also leave a comment here.

If you want to plot or something, I'd rather be contacted by e-mail or a comment here. Planning, if you don't mind, would be better for me through e-mail.

For those interested, here's a link to the making of documentary of "Princess Mononoke". It's in Japanese and subtitled but since I've watched it, my views on this movie have changed drasically. (It's missing some parts, from what I understand but it's still fairly good.)
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