May 29, 2011 15:40
So for a while, I've been on a fandom break. Or at least I thought I was. I haven't written anything, made a mix or started up final cut to make a vid for so long. I needed to fix my life. Get back on track with my dreams so to speak. And it was going great.
Except for the fact that I couldn't think. Or create. Or you know- do my job.
I also realized that I was still reading fanfic everyday. Watching videos. I was passively as both my real and fandom lives passed me by. And then I realized what fandom has done for me. How it gave me a voice, a backbone and the greatest and dearest friends that I could ever hope for.
So no I may never go to a convention as a fan again (except for comic con). And I may never get all soap boxy or rp until three in the morning. But that was courtship/honeymoon phase anyway.
I have something that keeps me going and grounded and no matter what form it's in (seriously I think I just joined a new one) I kinda hope that it lasts forever.
fandom is more than rule 34