Sep 15, 2007 01:39
Gods I am so tired...I got like 5 hours sleep last night (if that) and now I just can't seem to fall asleep. DAMN YOU INSOMNIA! Also why is it that for some reason whenever I have insomnia I always want to have Maccas for breakfast and draw lots of Gaara fanart.
Speaking of which. I have had this bout of writers/artists block for the past few months or so...I mean it has been ages since I wrote anything of substance and even longer since I had drawn something other than a stupid stick figure sketch...but for some reason, after spending all that time writing stuff for that Bleach kink meme my mind just won't stop buzzing with ideas! I mean already I wanna write some more Bleach smut (particularly getting back to the Solo!Ichigo/Hichigo fic...also maybe doing some more Ichigo/Ishida fics just because they are so easy to write...hell if I am feeling particularly adventurous I may even try a Renji/Byakuya fic or something featuring Grimmjaw or Ulquiorra...just because I enjoy them both so much)! I've also had SasuNaru plots running around my brain and screaming to be written out...not to mention the fact that I would love to have a go at writing a Sasori/Deidara fic because they are just both so perfect for one another, not to mention that they are total hotties and every time I see those mouth hands of Deidara's I think of him giving someone (or himself lmao) a handjob. I might even keep going with my Kyuubi!Naruto/Gaara/Sasuke fic (just because we all know Sasuke is a man whore and the biggest uke in the Fire country...well now that Haku is gone XD) or my Naruto & Harry Potter crossover (yeah I know its been done but they are two of my fav things to write!)...I also would love to include Shippuden!Neji in something too (now he's let his hair grow longer...and wears a manskirt) but that will probably turn into something pretty crack-tastic. Also Kingdom Hearts is begging for something. I simply gotta write more than drabble for Riku/Sora! Hell I may even pull out an Axel/Roxas fic (although probably not because Rocks-ass pisses me off to no end...but if I did it would probably turn out sweet after seeing that little scene with Axel and Roxas on top of that clock tower in Twilight Town eating sea-salt ice cream where he says something about Roxas making him feel like he had a heart *awww*). I would love to write a Black Cat fic too, either a Sven/Train or a Creed/Train fic...although I've only watched a couple of (English dubbed...urk) episodes...its just that Train is so pretty and cat like...and he likes milk an awful lot ku ku ku ku (yeah I'm too perverted for my own good).
My drawings on the other hand have been either focused on my dolls or on Kingdom Hearts. I'm in the middle of doing a big sleeping Sora piece (where he's cuddling a plushie heartless...I wants a plushie heartless!), with no reference pictures. I've also gotta get around to finishing the rendering of my Ichigo and Hichi picture (sketched when Hichi made his first appearance as a seperate being from Ichigo -_- yes its that old), my bloodied Shippuden Sasuke picture and my half nekkid uke Kazakage Gaara we've got an extra hardrive I have the space to save the wip files of these so they won't get wiped or suddenly decide that we don't have enough memory to save them ><. Ugh I just really hate the monitor on this computer, none of the colours come up right and mum tells me to play with the settings but I try to turn up the brightness and the contrast but they are already as high as they can go. She needs to face the fact that we need a new monitor...but she wants airconditioning before Christmas so fat chance of us getting a new monitor. I'll just have to wait and do all my rendering at Kris' place...also he's got the latest photoshop on his computer (unlike here where I am still working with 5.0 -_-)...I just have to remember to take my tablet with me.
Wow that is a lot of writing. See what happens with insomnia...I begin to ramble and go off on tangents (not like that is any different from normal lol).
Return of the QUOTABLE QUOTE!
"It's been ages since I've seen Creed/Train. Do you know how happy this makes me!? I mean, why does more of this pairing not exist when Creed radiates and excretes friggen so-fucking-sparkly-joygasmic-ghei-for-train from his pores." - a random comment on a Creed/Train fic I read here on LJ
kingdom hearts,
black cat,