Drabble: Caught on camera

Mar 21, 2017 20:31

Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: none
Notes: For primeval100: challenge 515: Caught on camera

Caught on camera

Becker fast forwarded the footage from the camera he’d concealed in his office; someone was getting in, despite the locked door, but the lads all denied it, as did the rest of the staff. One of them was lying but who-

Suddenly the roof vent opened, swinging on its hinges as Danny carefully lowered himself out, landing on the desk and glancing around.

Bloody Quinn! Becker watched as Danny helped himself to a pocketful of Becker’s favourite biscuits and vanished into the ventilation system again.

So, this was how he wanted to play it? Fine, Becker thought; let battle commence.


tv: primeval, fiction: drabble

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