Drabble: Ouch

Mar 14, 2017 21:09

Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: none
Notes: For primeval100: challenge 514: Ouch.
Notes (2): Set in the Moss ‘verse .


Moss wagged his tail as the nice man in the white coat lifted him onto a table, telling him how handsome he was, scratching behind his ears. It was strange; his humans had been doing the same thing all morning, being extra nice to him.

Moss yelped when something stabbed into the back of his neck, turning to glare at the formerly-nice white-coat man, then at his humans. The man offered him a treat but Moss refused to take it, feeling betrayed.

Now those extra cuddles made sense. Well, he wasn’t going to fall for that one again!


tv: primeval, moss the wolf cub, fiction: drabble

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