However, it still contains my Doctor Who and Green Wing fanfiction, and many great memories with old friends, so it stays. I now write at
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Hello! I just realised that it was you who posted that David Tennant interview! I got directed to your LJ by glitteraddict89 cause I said I liked her icon, and then I realised it was you! *eeeee* Also have just realised we like practically all the same stuff and I like meeting new peeps, so I'm adding you to my flist *g* Plus you liked my Life On Mars icon, so you officially rock ;D
glitteraddict89 cause I said I liked her icon, and then I realised it was you! *eeeee* Also have just realised we like practically all the same stuff and I like meeting new peeps, so I'm adding you to my flist *g* Plus you liked my Life On Mars icon, so you officially rock ;D
You are now officially friended back. You have been warned. *g*
*dies from icon love*
Tis pretty.
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