And brother, do I have a lot of it to do!
Yes - still at the temp job and still have the commute from hell. Looking for something closer. Have an interview Friday but it's in Dallas. Not really closer time wise but more money. I'd rather have less money and closer to home.
The Wolfe Proxy
Reviews - I have 3 new ones!
M.E.McCombs found it lacking (yes, I post the bad along with the good).
Reviews by Jessewave recommends it with 4 stars but had some caveats.
Literary Nymphs rated it 4 Nymphs and loved it.
Sales --- OMG!
My publisher reports it sold 200 units in 6 days from the AQP site along! That might be why it was Amber Allure's #2 Best Seller for February! And it's the #10 Best Seller at All Romance Ebooks today! I'm shocked. And amazingly pleased!
The paperback of TWP is now available on Amazon though it says sold out.
And I was pirated! Yes! Someone had my books up for illegal sharing. I'm popular enough to be pirated. How cool is that?
I finished the content edits the first work and sent it off to line. I think the author worked really hard and did a lot of improve the manuscript. I hope I was helpful. I have two more just in from their 1st and 2nd rounds of rewrites. Both authors have been very good to work with and took my comments in the spirit they were intended. It's very different being on the editing end but I find I like it.
New Release
Copperhead Road will be released this weekend. My first Amber Pax. I'll post more on that later - blurb and all that. I did the galleys on it last night.
Walking After Midnight
I have the initial edit back already! Catherine is very quick. No content changes and just some formating stuff! Yay! It was a really clean MS which is what you always want to give your publisher. It's still slated for September release. I need to do the paperwork.
Pretty - I'm actually pretty excited by the one Terry Wylis and I are working on. It's a modern slash retelling of Beauty & The Beast. Now you all know me... I can't take the normal road. So the Beast is a famous actor disfigured in a stalking attack and now a recluse on an island off the Maine coast. And Beauty is a lovely young man from the Appalachian mountains. It's fun. Pure romance which isn't my usual thing but hey....
A Matter of Honor - I'm actually plotting out the sequel to A Matter of Necessity. Plot finally came to me. Had to have a crime plot to go with the romance one here. And a logical reason why the boys would break up...