May 09, 2006 21:54
Okay, so since Mia updated (!) and Cici updated (!), I guess it's now my turn to update.....
OMG!!! an update in less than 6 months...that's AMAZING!!!! *ahem* I am finished.
First, School.
I <3 ODU. At first, I hated it. It was new, different, and I had zero people that I knew. I hated not being near the people whom I called my family, or rather those I considered my *real* family. Cici, Mama Nat and Papa Harrold, Mia, Mama and Papa Chezick, Daniel, Michael, and Mr. and Mrs. Cholette, Christopher, Karen, Mr. Benes; THESE were my REAL family in high school. But sophomore year came slower than I woul dhave liked. I got a wonderful job, by chance, with co-workers and managers and chefs that were wonderful. My sophomore year went by in a blur. My fall semester was taken up by the student film 'Requiem', and kick started my drive to be involved in the arts. Second semester was filled with new roomies, Rec Sports, my TKE and Sig Nu brothers, and of course, parties and drinking like most college students do. Sometime in there I managed to fit classes, homework, and tests, and I ended up coming out on top. I'll be at ODU for the summer, taking a prereq art class, and retaking Chem, while taking and english class over the web. I'm still looking for a job for the summer.
Like I mentioned before, I had my family in high school. Freshmen was spent starting new friendships, some phasing out, and starting even more. Some people i hung around alot last year kinda disappeared, but new ones popped up. An aquaintance of last turned into one of my best buds this year. I still talk to Cici and Mia the most, Daniel some, and Christopher some. A new friendship started up again after not seeing a certain for 5 years. It was wonderful to see him over spring break. I had alot of drama this past year, as most do. But it was stomped out. I was hurt, and angry, then moved on. The weren't worth my time. I love the friends I have now. I've matured a little. There wasn't much left maturing i had to do anyway, but it happened, and I'm glad I did.
Love Life.
Well, I bet yall were wondering when I was getting to the juicy stuff. As most of you know, Daniel and I have had an interesting relationship, to say the least. We broke up on bad terms freshman year, were talking again by second semester, and had our own special brand of love. We've had our rough moments, but all in all, i never regret it. I know we always talked about it, but I think we both have finally realized that as much as we wanted to, I don't think we were destined to be. Drew. He was freshman year, after Daniel. It was short lived, but circumstances weren't our favor. We had a messy falling out, but still talk now and again when our schedules match up. Ian. It felt like Ian and I were together much longer than we were. We fell very hard, very fast. We are great friends, and made each other very happy. We broke up, as a decision we made together, because we both had past issues with long-distance not working. So we mutually broke it off, and surprisingly, there was never any awkwardness between us. We still a re good friends and we would do anything for each other. I wouldn't have it any differently. This year, there were a couple possibilities for relationships, but they fizzled into nothing. I was getting tired of being single, it was just getting old. An interest came out of left field, quite literally. I was umping for Rec Softball, and one of my friends who I hadn't seen in a long while was on one of the teams. As with all my friends on the teams, we teased and joked on each other...because hell, we can. I t just so happened that one of these friends and I started, i know its lame, but a facebook war. our pokings and wall messages turned into hanging out. everyday. for about two weeks. about a week into that, we had been on about 3 dates...and we are dating now. nothing official, but i'm okay with that. It's nice that i'm down at odu too, becaus ehe lives in va beach. right now we are very happy...but missing each other and our cuddle time since i've been gone for a week. yeah, i know it's lame...but it's cute dammnit :P
I'm in a band. Audio Only. Charlie started it as a solo project for him and his guitar, but didn't like the sound of his voice and wanted a stronger vocalist. Enter me. It was good, but it sounded like we were missing something. Enter Daniel. on hand drums. Fucking a right. and that's us so far. We have no covers. 5 all original songs, 2 said they sound like they are radio worthy. which makes us happy. We have our first EP coming out this summer, along with some local shows...I still have stagefright. We'll see how *that* works. :P Two concerts I', already planning to go to this summer are: Warped Tour, which should be awesome. Annnnnddddd.... THE GOO GOO DOLLS!!!!!! omg, i about shit a brick when i found out. and i get to MEET THEM!!! yay for being apart of the insider thingy. I am getting as close to the fucking front as i can. i dont care the price. i think its only $67...which is a deal, considering i get to meet them. and i get to order tickets EARLY!!!
well, i cant think of much else to say. i get to spend the summer on my own at the beach. fun and hard work to be had. i'm hoping to get a visit from cici this summer. if anyone else wants to come down to virginia beach, i will welcome ya, and i wish all of you could come down.
i love it. my new home.
p.s. congrats for reading all of this.