Season Six Character Thoughts

Oct 10, 2010 17:01

So, I've seen all three of the season six episodes and I think that they've got themselves back on track. The third episode had none of the awkwardness of the first two, and felt as if they were starting all over from season one, almost, but with everything backwards. It makes for an interesting twist, I know, but has anybody else have daydreams of how you think they'll kill off the rest of the Campell's? I know I do!

Anyway, back to the real reason for this post. Sam Winchester.

Dean I get at this point. He's much more open and relaxed than he ever was in seasons one through five, even though he's highly suspicious of Sam's new buddies. We all are. But that year break really did him a world of good, even if he was itching to get back into hunting when he saw that Sam was still alive.

But Sam, I realized as I was discussing this with my friend, isn't the same at all. He just has lost his heart, using all his focus on hunting and ignoring everything about his weird new partners. His give-a-damn's busted, y'all. However, just like with Dean, I think that its just a matter of time before he breaks, especially with the previews I saw of the upcoming episode. Hell may not have been the same for him, but it definetly has fucked him over.

Anyone else thinkin' the same thing? Do you think that it's only a matter of time before Sam loses it, now that Dean's back and forcing him to look a little harder at himself, or do you think that this is just how its gonna be with him for the rest of the time? Are we never again going to see our loveable puppy-dog Sammy? Either way, here's certainly a screw loose somewhere in there.

Tell me what you think!

episode reaction

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