Jan 09, 2009 18:01
I have to say that life is better, not a lot.. but better. Things felt like they were moving slow, I was putting in so much effort to promote change and mobility within my life circumstance, and nothing was budging. Within the past few days, things have been slowly falling into place. It is going to take A LOT of work, and a lot of sturggle and effort on my part to keep the parts of my life oiled and working properly, but now I have the drive and the ability to do just that.
I never suspected I would be doing what I am now, but now that I am doing it, my life feels almost ok. I am worried about the future still, but I am taking each day as it comes, and traveling just a little bit further, taking just another step in the right direction.
Alaska is still loomimg on the horizon for me, but I am worried about it. I have to look at the way my life has been functioning.. I want to go back there above all else.. but I may not be able to. I have to think about money, school, and my wonderful lakeside apartment which I would never be able to find again. Going back to Alaska to work full-time but get paid half of a normal job here in Seattle seems a little.. oh.. not smart. But, then again.. I am not smart. I work my life through my heart, soul and intuition.. so I may still drop everything and go.. even if only for three months jsut to see those two smile again.
a lot of people around me are suffering through similar life changes right now, so I don't feel as alone as I did a month ago. I have an official "partner in crime" (you know who you are!) who I know will be a big support as they always have been, if not more now that we are sharing the same destination.
I had a fantastic Holiday time with friends and family to jump start my 2009, and hell yeah.. it already starting out better than the end of 2008. I am a little nail-biting nervous about money, but that can fix itself with a little effort from the Universe and myself.
I won't say the hoaky resolutions of 2009, since resolutions are just words written down be it on paper, a computer screen or what not. I want to LIVE my goals through my actions with every choice I make. This is the year for me to do just that.