Feb 24, 2006 13:27
The show didnt (damn apostrophe button not working at the library...) go as well last night as the first, but great times were still had. The scene change went well, I thought...until I walked on stage for the finale and realized that the chair used in the previous scene wasnt struck. Aubrey grabbed it and took it off stage with her so we wouldnt run into it while doing our curtain call. Yay Aubrey!
I ran into Jacks dad this morning coming out of my apartment, and he said that he may come tonight. Im excited for that.
Charlie is gone. It was weird coming home and not having the little rascal running around my feet. I was a little sad. It was nice this morning, however, waking up and not having to take him for a walk. Ahhh, he is in a place where he can get more attention.
Zac, if you read this before 6:30-ish, call me. I would love to talk before the show. We didnt talk last night and that kind of creeped me out. (Show routines....sorry babe...)