
Mar 07, 2011 13:07

➛ Jackie ( thesamename)

Dominique's lover from home. She was alarmed to arrive in the Gardens and find Jackie had been there without her for so long. They seem like an odd couple, and have a strange and often difficult relationship, but love each other a great deal (despite never saying so). She is very protective of the other woman, will do everything in her power to care for her and keep her safe.

➛ Fela ( c-zacatechichi)

Her ex-lover's daughter. Dominique was surprised to meet her, and isn't entirely sure how to act around her, never truly expected to meet any of Acacio's children. Fela is a dreamchaser, like her father, and Dominique has a lot of experience dealing with the oddities of their kind. Dominique will give her any help or protection she needs.

➛ Sephiroth ( no_hometown)

A soldier woman that Dominique initally heard about in a warning from another of her world. Incredibly powerful, but she seems to have good intentions, and controls herself carefully. Dominique finds her very interesting, but also keeps it in mind that she could be a potential danger.

➛ Caprica ( aunomdedieu)

Jackie was living with Caprica when Dominique first arrived, and she extended the offer of shelter to Dominique, too. A kind and quiet woman, she seems to keep a lot of her thoughts and feelings to herself, something Dominique can understand. There also seems to be a common history of war, but Dominique knows better than to ask too much about such painful things.

➛ Epsilon ( lovelikelight)

Another woman Jackie seems to trust. Incredibly kind and gentle, with an altruistic nature, and she seems to care for children a great deal. She reminds Dominique of Acacio, a little, and she likes her company.

➛ Rico ( alwaysricochets)

A rather strange woman that Dominique greeted when she first arrived. Her world seems very different to the one Dominique knows, and interesting, but she hasn’t had much chance to find out more about it. She seems to have some experience of fighting, too, and Dominique trusts her advice.

➛ Ellie ( thinkbrave)

A girl Jackie cares for. They seem to have similar personalities, and Dominique like watching them bicker. She has a sense that Ellie has experienced darker times, however, but refrains from asking too much. One of the only children in the garden Dominique feels vaguely comfortable around.


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