I don't give a fuuuuuck~

Apr 11, 2011 01:49

So in times of feeling no bueno I try to remember to grab on to little things to be happy/excited about, and I really have any number of those to choose from.. the hard part is just remembering to do it haha.

Most recently, been kinda nerding out on Evangelion after watching the second movie, You can (not) advance. It was SO GOOD. The changes they made were really interesting, and omg just when I thought the beserk Eva's couldn't be any more terrifying than they were in the original series/movies, just holy fuck. DX Not to mention the Angel's redesigns are crazy and creepy too haha. But yeah omg there were so many epic battles, I'm pretty sure I had chills throughout the majority of the movie. XD Tho that song they decided to play when Eva 01 is ripping apart Eva 05 after it's possessed by an Angel that Megumi Hayashibara sings... wth. It's so bad. D: They made her sing in too high/soft a pitch or something.. cuz she just sounds so bad, and she's normally a good singer obviously. D: But yeah.. the terrible song was almost enough to totally ruin the mood of the scene lol.. and then they play it when shit is getting crazy in the end too WHY. DX Somehow, I'm liking Rei and Asuka more in the movies than in the series... and omg Mari~~ <3 I fucking love her haha. I think I can safely say my favs now are Shinji, Misato, and Mari. I think the main reason people hate on Shinji is because other than the more bizarre behaviors he exhibits later, deep down they know that's exactly how they would act/react in his shoes. ;p Sorry but if I grew up like him, then get yanked out of whatever already sub par life I was living on the whim that maybe my asshole father might like me, get put into a giant robot and sent out to fight some crazy ass monster where I get to experience what it feels like to be stabbed repeatedly and have limbs broken/torn off, I might be like "YEAH FUCK YOU I'M OUT" too. ;p Childhood issues aside, look at his romantic choices as he's hitting puberty: albino clone of his mom, crazy ginger bitch with mommy issues, gay angel, the (damn sexy) older woman with daddy issues, and now random mystery girl who thinks he smells good cuz he smells like womb juice (LCL fluid). XD Anyway, I <3 Shinji. XD And the only thing I could retain from the preview for the third movie was Asuka with an eyepatch, OH HELLZ YEAH~ It's going to be a painful wait tho, uunnnnggghhh~

Also just finished watching the 4th season of The Slayers, Revolution... honestly tho without even seeing the 5th season yet they should have just combined them into one since I'm assuming the 5th ties up the rest of the plot lines from season 4. But yeah I liked it, good old Slayers fun tiemz... tho it really felt like a filler arc lol. I'm hoping the 5th season will pack more of a punch. Even the "final battle" at the end of the 4th season was kinda lame... I just thought it was stupid how they're like "OMG IT'S IMPERVIOUS TO MAGIC BUT THE SWORD OF LIGHT WILL TAKE IT OUT.... LET'S KEEP USING MAGIC ON IT!!!" ಠ_ಠ And Pokota's human form - srsly worst design ever, wth. Now I just hope he stays a Pokemon lol. I also hope since they seem to be revisiting old characters, maybe Zangulus will make a reappearance?! :D And Martina, that'd be fun. XD I was told tho that Naga is kind of in it, so I'm already looking forward to that haha.

I need to get the second season of Hetalia too... and god dammit will someone freaking watch all of Panty and Stocking so I have someone to share in the horror and extreme amusement with?! And also so I have someone who will share the burden of hoping GAINAX wasn't trolling with their setup for a second season... cuz I swear if there's no second season, I will assault their studio with dildos.

Also getting mega pumped for COSPLAY FUN TIEMZ! ..tho I know as soon as I pull out the sewing machine and stare at the pile of fabric I have, that will go away and be replaced by the reminder of how much i fucking hate sewing. XD; But I feel really excited about my costumes... it's been a few years since I've really done a more complicated costume. And I'll get to be Amaterasu finally! So I can stop picking apart what I would have done differently every time I see someone else cosplaying her. XD And then of course I have Alexiel, with Nanatsusaya~~~ <33333 I just gotta fix the costume so it doesn't fall apart on me like when I tried to wear it the first time. ^^;

The release of the coloring book I put together with my friends is also looming!! I sent it in to the publisher Friday, so I hope to get an email Monday so it gets the official green light.. then I just have to obsessively worry that I overlooked something important until I get the books and can look at a physical copy and see if it's perfect or not but it'll be too late unless I somehow sell all 100 of them quickly and have to get a second printing haha. I'm so excited for it tho... everyone worked so hard so it'll be great to see it finally DONE and IN MY HANDS. *__*

What'll REALLY be exciting is that I got a table for Phoenix Comic Con, and the coloring book will certainly be in my possession by then, so I'm hoping to sell a lot of them there! *__* Also been thinking about what new art/merch I want to try and have by then.. so far it's mostly stuff that prolly isn't that popular but oh well lol. I just draw what I want anyway... when I start to think too much about "what will sell" it's not fun anymore. But yeah I want to do stickers or maybe keychains of the baby Celestial Brush Gods from Okami and Okamiden including Ammy/Chibiterasu of course. Maybe even Shiranui. ^^ I have 4 or 5 of them sketched out atm. Also I want to do chibi Witchblade, and Aspen from Fathom. Maybe the Magdelena too... I'm reading the first Witchblade Compendium right now, and tho I hate Jackie/The Darkness sometimes I find him to be almost likeable which baffles and confuses me~.... so I may try my hand at him too lol. But yeah I managed to sketch a chibi Sara with the Witchblade inspired by this awesome scene/pose in the first Origins story... I swear Michael Turner was just so amazing, it breaks my heart every time I think about his passing. :( But yeah drawing the Witchblade, just as hard/harder than it looks haha. Lol but yeah there's really not any male comic guys I really like other than Batman characters, like Bruce, Tim and Joker... but I'm not particularly inspired to draw them, at least not atm. :/ I kinda am happy tho drawing Image girls... I don't really remember seeing much fanart of any of them last year as opposed to Marvel/DC characters, so maybe I'll have less competition on that end at least. I also want to get some new Zel and Dash art done by then, cuz I think they have good wide appeal designs, and Zel especially totally has a typical comic girl body anyway... Big boobs, narrow hips, strong arms/stomach and killer legs, lol. e.e;;; Also even tho I'm not very confident it would sell, I would love to try my hand at doing a Witchblade munny. X_X It would be... so hard haha. But fun I think. Which reminds me I really need to set up an etsy so I can try and sell my Mrs. Pumpkin Miku munny, and the Sakura Miku... tho I'm getting more and more attached to my Mrs.Pumpkin one... maybe I'll keep her and do another one, with less mistakes, and sell that one lol.

...What is this, just now ANOTHER earthquake in Japan complete with another tsunami warning?! D:> A month to the day even.

....Well there goes anything else I was gunna talk about lol. I'll just end this here, cuz I doubt I'll be able to concentrate on much else for a while.

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