pinched from
_magnius_ Ten years ago, I:
1. was 13
2. going through a tomboy-ish stage and wore nothing but joggers
3. Loved Hockey...too much
Five years ago, I:
1. was 18
2. still in school!
3. near breakdown (seriously! I went a bit funny : /)
One year ago, I:
1. was trapped in Canada
2. was pregnant
3. asking "why me"
So far this year, I:
1. lost my toenail
2. met someone new
3. Detoxed
Yesterday, I:
1. went shopping for undies with Gav
2. Went out for curry at swanky indian....had many cocktails ^_^
3. kept my stiletos on all night!
Today, I:
1. had a bbq
2. chopped a red chillie
3. did laundry
Tomorrow, I:
1. look after baby
2. do more laundry
3. cook ham
In one year, I will:
1. move into a house with a garden
2. go to greece
3. plan for family to come over for christmas
In five years, I will:
1. be pregnant
2. painting my house
3. dropping Leah off at school