I can haz Koolness nao? kthxbai

Jul 03, 2009 02:03

Warnings for rantiness and grumpy exclamations apply!

Alright. It's now *checks watch* two-oh-four AM and I'm trying desperately to sleep, because hey, work day tomorrow; only I can't 'cos it's 25 degrees (that would be centigrade, as we're in Europe, here). I don't even know (or care to calculate) what that is in Fahrenheit, but suffice to say that it's sweltering! SWELTERING! AT NIGHT! In Denmark?!?

There was a time when Denmark was home to some of the fiercest Viking tribes of the day, and I'm pretty sure they didn't have to shuck their (manly) pelts and leathers because it was too hot to sleep!

Now, I might not be a Viking; in fact I am merely a lowly Medieval reenactor (two steps up from prepubescent LARPers according to Viking reenactors *makes a note to rant about them when I can think of anything but the HEAT*), but I'm still of the conviction that it is massively unfair, that we don't just have to deal with soggy spring times, soggy winters, soggy autumns but also with soggy summers!

Yes, it's not just the heat; it's the humifidy. I took a bath this morning (a cold one, thank you; for once not caused by reading fanfic) and SEVEN hours later my hair was still wet! The mind, she boggles!

I want DRY heat, damn it. *throws hands up in disgust*. I feel much put upon, being as I am, a type who goes on vacation to places where the sun isn't likely to shine too much. Can't I get a break IN MY OWN COUNTRY?!?

Argh! *Dies from heat stroke, thus ending the rant*

i can haz?, rants

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