Apr 26, 2010 21:10
well since my thighs have packedi hate the treadmill. up and left me for Japan and taken my ankles with them. I have proclaimed this my day of rest. Tomorrow I will try to make my mile with a little bit more run and a little less walk just a tiny bit mind you. I have been doing some research and I bought Jeff Galloway's book. Good read informative but doesn't treat you like a idiot. I have learned about breathing, about stretching properly and about stride. I think part of my problem has been mystride. I catch myself trying to take long steps because I am short. Its a habit I got into because it makes me feel as if I look confident and not as if I am scrambling to keep up. silly I know but perception is everything when you have low self esteem. I am working on that too. so having said that tomorrow I will be either on the road or in the gym with my running shoes on depending on the weather. pray for good weather I hate the treadmill.