Jun 29, 2004 12:56
If you look to your left, you can see the I updated the ole picture. I think this one represents me more since I'm not yellow and I dont usually smoke indonesian cigerettes, for the most part. Little tiny beatles seem to have invaded my computer desk, they fly up to the screen and land on it while I type, is that common? And ending a short update w/ my 10 favorite things. Read mine and tell me yours if you like.
1. The Green Party
2. Big ghetto booties
3. Rock n' Roll
4. Light cotton shirts
5. Expensive Exotic basses (www.bunnybass.com)
6. Spooning
7. RPG's
8. Pavement
9. People who think I'm cooler than I am
10. Re-dubbed GI Joe cartoons, I can't get enough
PS: I'm seeing ferenheit 9/11 tommorow, why does it look so german when i type it? oh well, im pumped.