WHY couldn't I have been born just ten years earlier? Every time I think about it being 1999 and Rage were still together and NIN released The Fragile and The Matrix came out and then it being 1994 and Soundgarden were still together and NIN released The Downward Spiral AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT it makes me cry deep inside.
I found this page:
http://www.jedroot.com/makeup/bc/celeb/bc-treznor.htm ..................
If I was a guy, I would give my left nut to see Rage live. But I'm not, so I'll have to be content with saying I'd kill for it. I would almost kill to meet Trent Reznor...... But probably not, because it would be one of those really awkward "OMFG IM MEETING _______" moments in stupid teenage movies. And then I would regret having not been able to actually talk and probably go jump off a building afterwards. (just kidding, mom.)