Dec 04, 2005 20:51
So I turned on VH1's "Big in '05" award show to catch Audioslave playing. Which I've pretty much been looking forward to all day. So finally, after almost an hour of being innundated with the idiocy that defines Viacom as a company, some celebrity comes out and introduces "Chris Cornell, Timmy C., and Brad Wilk of Audioslave". Wait. Hold on. Something's missing...? OH YEAH, Tom Morello, the um... guitar type guy... HE WAS NOT FUCKING THERE. It was seriously the lamest assed attempt at a kick ass song I've ever heard. The part of the band that was there did fine. Mr. Cornell was just as good live as on the album. But I guess he's not a very good guitarist, and he was playing an acoustic, and there was no damn guitar solo. They didn't even do the damn chorus right. So now I'm pissed because the first time I actually thought I was going to see my hero play live, as in, not a pre-recorded performance (albeit on the TV...), he didn't even show up.
I guess maybe he's, like, opposed to Viacom? But he used to play on TRL in his Rage days, and the political thing was more on his mind then than now, probably. Derrrrr.............................................
I'm going to go sit in a corner and cry. Thanks a lot, Tom. :'(