Oct 26, 2005 10:55
The other day in Global Studies I had a test where you have to label all this shiznit on a map of the world and I pretty much kicked its ass into next Wednesday. The only thing I'm not sure about is if I labeled the Jordan River. I can't remember if I put that on there. The tension is killing me.
I've realized that I'm incredibly easily amused/excited. Like for the first two days of the week I was looking forward to getting my damn English test score fixed. Looking forward to it. Like, EXCITED about it. Then the fact that the tension about the Jordan River thing is killing me... Oh, and I rented GTA 3, and I swear to allah that there are few things better in life than beating video game prostitutes into the ground with a baseball bat and finding hundreds of dollars on their mangled corpses. I know that sounds really horrible. But... It's a video game.
What I don't get about GTA 3 is the drugs? Like there are these red and white capsules that you find in dark alleyways and shit that you take and then everything is all like, in slow motion. But that's all it does. Maybe it raises your criminal rating? It illudes the hell out of me.
It's also got me to wondering, why are the GTA games so damned fun? Why do I so love playing hitman and running over cops? It's not even a very good game. The combat system is awful. *WARNING: OVERLY PHILOSOPHICAL VIDEO GAME ANALYSIS.* I think it's because you can get away with so much stuff you could never do in real life. Like it fulfills some kind of twisted primal fantasy of it being perfectly alright to grab a blunt object and just fuck somebody up, for no reason other than "because I feel like it". I guess all video games are like that in a way, but somehow it's more entertaining if the "bad guys" are the ones that are usually portrayed as the "good guys". Hmm. I think too much.