Oct 14, 2005 16:32
Today I went to Kevin's house. And we played "Killing in the Name" and that was pretty cool. But it's kind of a problem because Joe doesn't listen to the same music as le moi and le Kevin and consequently he doesn't KNOW any of the same music. So whenever we play anything improvised, it's always a blues-typey-thing because that's the only thing we all know and I find it irritating... Because I took this lame assed guitar class at the Shedd and that's all we played for 9 fucking weeks. And now I can't handle any more blues-typey-stuffs.... forever.... Or I'll go Matrix style and shoot every motherfucker in here. Only not. But my point is that I really really really don't want to play any more goddamn blues. I think Joe needs to listen to more music. And then we can just learn songs that other people who are more talented than us wrote. And it will be good.
Then I came home and got on the computer.
Then just now my dad came in and asked if I had the comics from today and I said "non". And then he complained about "why does Anne always throw the comics away nyyyyeeaaahhhh whine whine whine there's nothing wrong with our relationship nnyyyyyeeaaaaaahhh". And then he left.
And now my brother's home and I don't want to go out in the living room because he'll say something only moderately insulting or not insulting at all, and I'll be expecting him to say something truly insulting and I'll call him an asshole and then we'll all get in an argument and it will suck. So I'm going to go watch the idiot box. I wish I could've eaten le diner chez Kevin parce-que dinner is an awkward situation over here. Especially when Sam's home. Bleh.