First entry in mah journal

Jul 28, 2010 15:21

I've had this thing for a little bit now, so it is time to make use of it! I've decided to use it to post gifs I've made and maybe some reviews and recaps. I ain't an expert, but I do know what I like and don't like. Prolly some other graphics. Who knows.

Recap Time:

I started watching this show called 24 Hour Restaurant Battle because I think the host is ridiculously hot:

Man.. He is...



Any-who, I started watching the show for said handsome devil. Turns out it is actually a pretty good show. The premise is that two groups of people want to open a restaurant. So, Scott Conant judges what could happen if each group gets the equal amount of space and the equal amount of spending money, which is $4,000.

In this specific episode, two families are competing each other with Italian style dining. Now, Conant being known for his love for Italian cooking and his heritage, couldn't be happier.

Team A consisted of a grandmother, mother and daughter.. With the daughter being the "leader" of sorts. The grandmother and daughter would be the cooks while the mother is the manager.

Team B consisted of a brother and sister duo and their best friend.. With the brother being the "leader" of sorts. The brother would be the head chief, the sister would be the manager and head server and the best friend would be the middle man.

With their budget, each team took a different approach. Team A wanted a more authentic, home-y atmosphere while Team B wanted to show off their cooking skills. Team B spent all of their money on food (except for table and chairs) while Team A managed to find balance between beautiful dining area and good food. It didn't hurt that the mother brought in some of her paintings.

If lack of decor was Team B's flaw, than Team B certainly has a big one of their own. It seems like they understated how long it would take to cook their menu. After some encouragement from her mommy, the daughter decided to cut the menu down to just four items.

It seemed like the lack of choices drove people to Team B's restaurant. However, Team A had their secret weapon loaded and ready to go: A 77-year old Italian grandmother with cookies! Who can say "no"!? More customers were driven to Team A's spot. This pissed off Team B's leader and he started getting on his manager's (aka his sister) case.

Enter the judges. I've never been east of Kansas and I don't know who any of the other judges are. But if Conant is telling me these are good judges, then I am listening.

Team A really impressed the judges with the decor and atmosphere of their restaurant. Conant said it reminded him of being just like in a cafe in Italy. It wasn't really surprising when the judges called out the team for having such a small menu. The food gets pretty good praise for the most part. Conant loves it, one of the other judges likes it, and the other two weren't impressed (but ate up everything anyway lol).

Team B didn't score to high on their decor. All they had were steel table and chairs and a lime green paint job. A lime green paint job.. The judges give the suggestion to try to acknowledge the decor next time. The judges were impressed that there was so much to choose from. However, that would lead to a couple of issues for the judges. The most important issue is that one of the judges was served a plate with raw chicken on it. BIG NO NO!! The other issue is that the dishes didn't really seem to be more than just cooked pasta with sauce slapped on it.

After the judges deliberated it was time to find out who won! Team A didn't have the largest menu, but the judges felt there was a sincere passion for what they were doing. Team B may have had more customers, but serving a plate with raw chicken on it cannot be taken lightly.

In the end, Team A won. Way to go!

Here is mah song of the week:

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music, tv, recaps

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