Thursday's Beacon JournalebizalethJanuary 29 2007, 17:08:43 UTC
About three-fourths of the front page was dedicated to a story about all the scandalous things high school kids in the Akron area post on MySpace, with direct (but anonymous) quotes from several different MySpace pages. The story basically was making the point that people incriminate themselves by showing cleary identifiable images of themselves drinking underage, doing drugs, etc., and providing their full names. Although I hadn't read a story like that before, I think I was more surprised by the treatment of the story than by the content. Instead of using photos, all of the graphic/design elements of the story were words ... headline took up a full vertical column, and there were a lot of pull quotes ... a page that I'd never be allowed to design at my current newspapers (but that's a whole different story).
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