Title: Everything has changed
Fandom: Arashi
Characters/Pairings: Nino/Mizukawa Asami, Nino/Nagasawa Masami, Jun/Inoue Mao, Jun/Shibasaki Kou, and a little bit of Nino/Nakai Risa, Aiba/Mizukawa Asami, Aiba/Becky, Sho, Oguri Shun
Rating: G
Word count: 4,188
Genre: Het, Romance
audrey_potter Summary: They met because of a drama five years ago. What have become of them now?
Notes: I took the rumors from Arama, and use my imagination to make up the stories about what’s happening behind the rumors. So, all the rumors truly exist. And in case you haven’t noticed, it has Masami in it, so haters to the left please.
Should he try again? Or should he give up? If only love could be cleaned as easy as this coffee stain. x-posted to many other arashi fanfics' communities