Title: "I don't not love you!" (Chapter 4)
Author: yoshi09
Rating: PG-13 (ish?)
Genre: FLUFF/amusement/comedy
Disclaimer: Jun and Mao own each other, I just like to borrow them sometimes.
Summary: A rather... awkward night spent with our favorite loveteam. 3rd person limited from Mao-chan's perspective.
Author's Note:
My God, this updating thing is quite
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Comments 31
I love reading Mao-chan's thoughts. xD She really is heads over heels for him, ne? But then again, I don't think any girl could stay calm if someone like Matsujun was showering in their bathroom, lol.
Yay for Nino's brief appearance! I bet he's conjured up a dirty story in his mind about these two. xD
This was definitely a fun read ^___^ Thank you! *chu*
Hahaha, yeah, you should learn to update faster...especially after this chapter 'cause I really want to read Jun's reaction to a barely clothed Mao-chan.
Yes, she is quite the fangirl. She gets worst and worst as the story goes on, notice?
And of course... Nino has to make an appearance. You know, I only noticed recently that I put him in a lot of my fanfictions somehow. I just feel that Nino hangs out with Jun quite often outside of work (i.e. Nino talking about having a BBQ with Jun)... nothing to do with him being my favorite Arashi member, that's for sure. =P
I'm glad you enjoyed. I shall try to update faster. >.< Oh, and it's amusing as to what happens next. "Poor" Mao-chan is all I'm going to say.
Fangirl Mao = GOOD. I'm sure Jun founds it normal for other girls to fangirl him but Mao? That's gotta be amusing for him!
LOL, I tend to put Sho in my works just because I want to help "save" his failure image. xD Continue putting Nino in your fics! I love reading his interactions with Jun.
Can't wait for the next chapter! ^__^
Lies. You put Sho in there because he's your favorite member. *laughs* Awww, I wish we could meet each other in real life, I could see our Sho vs. Nino vs. Arashi debates already...
alright, away from Nino. Amusing. Very amusing. Couldn't stop giggling throughout the entire thing. Mao is so cute xD Wonder what's going to happen next? Honestly if Mao was me, I would've fainted by now. xP
Yes, Nino is... very amusing. ^.~ I'm glad you're enjoying this.
uh, i hope this is helpful; japanese don't add suffix to their names when introducing themselves because it's rude.
mao's turning into a hentai hahaha love the idea ^_^
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