Title: Secret Recipe
Pairing/character focus: Matsumoto JunxInoue Mao, Aiba Masaki
Genre: smut
Rating: NC-17
Warning: uh, it's smut.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jun or Mao at all. It's sad, I know. This fic didn't happen to them. I think. I hoped it happened to them, but we will never know.
nino1711azuki Line messaged me if she could make a request, and promptly gave me prompts. So here it is: drenched, cake/chocolate, no alcohol, and mint. I think I've covered it all. Oh. And thank you to icedragontmr for beta'ing this. Love you~
Summary: Filming is tiring, so when Mao found a cake box in Jun's greenroom, courtesy of Aiba Masaki, she asks for a piece. However, that cake came from a bakery owned by Rastafarians from Denmark. There may be a certain 'secret recipe' in it. But the woman is starving, what could Jun do?
"Jun-kun, would you like some more?"