More dating advice from the fabulous Ferret! This time, it's
Body Language: 4 Signs to Decode It. All about how to tell if someone likes you by their body language! Yay!
And obviously, four signs is not enough. So here are some more!
1. If you find yourself backed against a wall, trapped effectively by someone much taller than you, it's probably a good idea to assume that their intentions are not entirely honorable. (This has happened to me more than once)
2. If you look at someone, and they quickly look away, they were totally checking you out. Or you have donut glaze on the corners of your mouth.
3. If they cross their legs towards you, it's supposed to mean they want to sleep with you. I don't get it, but that's what the experts say, so I'm going with it. Plus, I couldn't think of a number three.
4. If they use any excuse to touch you, they want you. Yes, they might be teaching you a secret handshake, but they really just want to hold your hand.
5. Double for throwing you over their shoulder and carrying you around upside-down, and yes, Casey, that means you.
6. If the boy is looking at you and won't stop no matter how many times you say "Stop looking at me like that," they are generally attracted to you. This seems especially prevalent among boys ages fifteen to eighteen.
7. If you are in a large group and a boy sits beside you every single time, he's just trying to get away from his crazy ex-girlfriend. Or he likes you.
8. If a guy keeps his distance when talking to people, but leans in to talk to you, he could be attracted to you. Although, in my experience, it's just cos I'm short, so take that into consideration.
9. If he's talking to you and leans in and kisses you, this could be a sign he digs you. It's really subtle, so don't miss it!
10. Of course, then there are guys that don't leave anything to body language or flirting. These boys will look you in the eye and say "Do you want to make out?" The most clear body language is the language that issues from the mouth. (True story...but I said no)