Feb 04, 2006 14:36
Well its been a little while since I last updated. So I thought I'd post something, even if its only for my own personal amusement.
Since my breakdown a while back I've been taking it easy. I've been trying to cut down on as much stress as possible before heading back to school on Monday. Yes, I'm heading back on Monday and the thought of going scares me to death. First time going into the school environment in over 5 years. Just the thought of sitting on hard plastic seats for whole days at a time scare me and having to use my glasses so I can read what's being written on whatever board they use there. Oh well, so much for having some sort of image there. lol
I'm still single and its going to stay that way for a long time by the looks of it. School isn't going to be a place to pick up or anything. Outside of school, like has grinded to a hault. I have't been out since Liz's party a while back. But I got Kate in Sydney who still loves me, so at least someone does.
Home life is getting annoying as usual. I've spent days cleaning this house by myself. But what worries me is that Danny's nan is going to come into this house while we aren't here and start cleaning while we're at school so she can give a reason to stop Danny from going out after school. He admitted the other day that she wants to keep him under lock and key 24/7 which isn't good for him. Hopefully we will work out a way to go out during the week or even weekends so we can have lives and god forbid... girlfriends!! Well that's if Jess doesn't latch onto Danny first. I found out that she will be going to out TAFE this year to do her VCE and its in the building right across from us which means she will be trying to get Danny to drive her home and shit. Man that's going to get ugly in a hurry. Hopefully the girl uses this time to get herself some good grades and a new guy to leech off of.
But yeah, nothing much going on in my life except cleaning and, as of next week, school. So I guess that's all from me till I get used to school life once again.
~Later Dayz~