Jan 07, 2008 04:37
Yeah yeah, hairnets posted in ages.. but anyways, im bored. It was midnight at about the time this happened, but meh friend stopped by to show me his hacked PSP he bought.. ran 'em $120 which was cool, plays ps1 games, will be able to play ps2, an well.. psp games. Mines not hacked yet, but he asked to use my pc to update his PSP to the new firmware launched.
Skipping ahead, he gets half-way through the flash on his PSP, an the thing kicks off. He's fucked, it wont boot up anymore.. I kinda laughed, but then he asks me to use my unhacked slim PSP to unbrick his.. two hours later, another fuck-up (I accidentally pricked MY psp.. bricking = unit fails to boot, black screen), and we both ended up with brand new hacked PSPs.. Im running on a custom firmware 3.71 33-3.. an playn mt old PS1 Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped game.. damn I loved the Bandicoot ^^ Now I gotta hunt down all my old PS1 games so I can make iso's an put em on my psp! Gunna need a bigger memory stick..
Whats next? Getting Windows 95 to run on dis bitch :D