Finish the Fight, Master Chief

Oct 02, 2007 21:38

I got my xbox360. I got halo 3. So why am I not playing it?

Turns out I'm just not really in the mood to play games at the moment. Of course, the baseball game I love playing doesn't work on the 360. But that's besides the point, I'm just having a mood.

Being back in Seattle for the day made me think about a lot of things that have been through this year. But there are a lot of things that are better about my life currently. There are also a lot of issues with my current life that get to me as well.

One of those things has been relationships. Of course my former relationship haunts me. There were a lot of things that I fucked up on. I wasn't the best person that I could have been meaning that I was very hurtful to the person that I love. I do love him, and still have strong feelings for him, but there is a moving on period. Since I'm starting to hang out more and "see" Breck, clearly it seems that I'm moving on. But there is the deeper thought that I might be just filling the void. I doubt that is the case... but it does hurt as well as it makes me happy.

So while I hate to say it... I've moved on yet am held back by the memory of what was and what could have been. Saying that, I'm looking forward and hoping to make new thoughts and personal improvements.

Tonight I decided that I need to start a workout system and stick to it so that I can get the type of body that I'd like.

I'm not expressing myself as well as I'd like in this post. I think the person that it involes might get what I'm saying because he knows me well enough... But still it might be unclear.

breck, anthony, xbox360, seattle, life, relationship

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