Dec 31, 2006 01:56
My New Year's Resolutions:
1) Lose Weight ....boring...
2) Try to not be so hung up on finding a guy. I sort of came to the conclusion today at work that I'm probably not meant to be married, maybe God does not have that in my plan. I don't know. I always try to look at the glass as "half empty" so that way I am never dissapointed with anything. I always used to be a "half full" person, but then I would always wind up dissapointed. My life has been nothing but set backs and dissapointments, so why should my luck with men be any different? I just need to face facts and get over it so I won't make myself miserable. 95% of guys just want sex, the other 5% are too hard to find!!!
3) Pay off my credit cards. I have one down, only five to go. :-P I am working really hard at this.
4) Complete my masters program and be done with school! Forever!!!
Four New Year's Resolutions...that's a lot. So far, I'm currently working on 1-3, b/c 4 has yet to start on the 8th.